Sunday, August 19, 2012

Girl's Night Out!

This weekend Kim, Amy, Grace and I went to Sydney for the night. We decided to make it a fun girls night out along with some touristy stuff. Oh and by the way if you haven't caught on yet Kim is my best friend I'm here with, Amy is our good friends from London, and Grace is an Aussie who lives down the hall from Kim and I. We took the train into the city and stayed at a hostel called "The Funk House". haha It was really funky to say the least, but a cool place to stay since it was right in the middle of a place called Kings Cross which is where we went out. Apparently it has some historic background, but I have yet to figure that out yet. Since it was a bit rainy, we got lunch then headed to the Sydney Aquarium that was in Darling Harbor so we could get out of the rain. We saw tons of cool under water animals like jellyfish, sharks, sea turtles, eels, and crabs. Oh and the cast of Finding Nemo made an appearance also. :D I even got to touch a sea star and a sea cucumber! We had a nice pizza dinner with wine (well I got beer...not a big wine fan). It was then off to Kings Cross for a fun night out. We hit the popular bar "World Bar" where they serve their drinks in tea pots! We for sure got our dance on! It was a blast. The next day, it was off to the Sydney Harbor to see the bridge and Opera house. It was a beautiful day for sight seeing! We got some great photos! Kim and I posed with our hometown newspaper with hopes that they will post our photo in an upcoming paper! After a delicious lunch on the harbor with a perfect view of the water and the bridge, we headed back to college to rest up and catch up on some homework. It was such a good weekend get away!
Silly at the aquarium!

In the shark tunnel!
Girl's night!

Amy, Grace, me, Kimmy at World Bar

Kim and I with the News Herald

Bridge and Opera House!

Australian flag on top of the Sydney Harbor Bridge!

The hostel we stayed at!


  1. what a nice weekend, but you do need to tell us more about the drinks in a teapot!!! do you actually drink from the spout or do you pour it into a glass? interesting!!!! love you

  2. and by the are beautiful:)

  3. Ah yes the teapots! You can get certain cocktails in it and they give you little cups to pour the drink into! If you are caught drinking out of the spout they will kick you out of the club. ahhh!!!
